I am privileged to say that I am not too aware of those "Monday Blues" so many people I know suffer from. As every day is the same to me, no one day is better, or worse, than any other.
My Research Question for this week is:
"What needs to happen, right now, for me to be in Action of achieving my Goals?"
Right now I'm sitting Blogging, in the middle of the afternoon. How is this "being in action of achieving my goals"? A thousand reasons pop into mind, or are they excuses?
9 Months ago I began a journey with and end goal in sight. I am still within the deadline of my goal; however, I no longer see it as “beginning” a journey. I am simply completing one, coming full-circle if you like. And I suppose it all started 11 years ago when I left for Germany. This allowed me the opportunity to study through UNISA, and that in its-self began this journey I’ve been on. Some times diverting and taking in a rest stop or two, or three, though never veering far from the main road. I keep coming back to the same conclusion: It is my duty to serve and to share and to assist others in Loving Life. And I am only truly able to achieve this once I am truly living it for myself.
So here’s my challenge to myself: To Live and Love my life to its fullest. To live the Grandest Version of the Greatest Vision I have for myself. Cool huh :)
And how to do this exactly… Hmm… there are so many books, courses, experts, secrets, etc, on how to live, heal, love, and what ever else it is you’re looking for. Though I don’t think Action lies in anything else but Action itself!
So back to my Research Question:
"What needs to happen, right now, for me to be in Action of achieving my Goals?"
And my goal is:
“To live the Grandest Version of the Greatest Vision I have for myself.”
Putting it that way makes me realise I have a lot to do!!!
I feel as though I am always on the go. I don’t have a job or kids so what is taking up all my time? Why do I feel as though I can never “get ahead” and that I’m just not getting anywhere with my life?
Looking at myself I see that I seem to be stuck in “Fix-It” mode, all the time. I come home and see what needs to be done, so I’m constantly thinking: that’s not done, that’s incomplete, that looks awful, wish I had money to fix this and that… and on and on go the conversations in my head. Then I think about money and how I need to “Fix” not having a job, or clients, or cash flow… I’m constantly thinking of ways to fix all this. At no time am I ever complete, and this feeling of continual incompleteness is wearing me down; my mind and my body.
So, what needs to happen for me to be complete? – Another good Research Question!
And are there any in-completions that I can be complete with for now (set a time limit)?
I shared with a client the other day to only keep one list. The power of one list is that when something is complete, you get to cross it off; physically on the List and then emotionally by seeing this and experiencing completeness. One can always add to the list, and rewrite it at the end of the month, leaving off what’s been done and adding new items. So time to practise what I preach… from now one, just one list!
What I am learning more and more is to:
1. Question myself!
2. Challenge myself!
3. Set goals!
4. Practise Integrity!
To do this every day is going to be a challenge, pushing me way out of my comfort zone. However, this is what I need to do to grow, to see change and to achieve all those great things I dream of.
I believe that part of Living is Knowing things as well as Experiencing them. So knowing about flying isn’t the same as Flying. Knowing about a taste or smell or sound isn’t the same as actually experiencing it!!! (And if you do not know about something, can you still experience it?)
So once you:
Know your Dreams,
Know your Strengths,
Know your Weaknesses and
Know your Worth…
You can then go and:
Live your Dreams,
Use your Strengths,
Heal you Weaknesses and
Share your Worth!
And that's all from me for now. Take care, be warm and Stay Lovely!!
In Love and Light,
xxxoooxxx Jessica xxxoooxxx