Aura's and Chakra's
Every physical body; be it human, animal, plant or object has an individual aura, a body made up of energy and light, which permeates and surrounds the physical body (see Diagram 1).
Diagram 1
The aura is different from person to person through form, structure, content and colour, and those who are clairvoyant or who have trained their subtle sensitivity can sense and see the aura and the colours that constitute this energy field.
The Chakra’s
The aura consists of different strata, bodies and chakras. Here we concentrate on the chakras as they are the direct connection between The Body and The Soul.
Many Eastern traditions describe a sevenfold major chakra system in every aura, at the same time acknowledging there to be varying numbers of minor chakras throughout the body. Minor chakras include the Feet and Hands.
What does the word "Chakra" mean?
The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit word Chakrum, meaning ‘wheel’. Our chakras are literally 'wheels of Light' interpenetrating with, affecting and affected by the physical body, and much of the colour in the aura is supplied by the chakras (A chakra is also sometimes referred to as an ‘energy vortex’).
Most chakras are linked to parts of the glandular system and are sometimes described as subtle glands. These subtle links are known as channels and it is only when these channels are energized and free of blockages that our entire system; body, mind and soul, can function in unison. Should there be an imbalance of energy in the aura or the chakras the body starts to suffer and one experiences dis-ease.
Once the body is run down it takes not just time to restore it to full health, but conscious living and a positive lifestyle too.
All energy based healing methods need to include a cleansing of these subtle channels allowing the life energy to flow again. Meditation and Visualization are tools used by many strands of healing and are wonderful, non invasive ways of taking control of and responsibility for your own personal healing.
Chapter 1 cont. on Page: "The 7 Major Chakra's"