Diagram 2.
The petals are flexible, opening and closing, vibrating and turning according to the different life situations encountered. A healthy chakra is a flexible chakra. Dis-ease shows that the chakra energies have become blocked and inflexible. Working with your chakras, bringing them into harmony with each other and supplying them with energy, can thus aid healing on all levels; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.
Each of the seven chakras represents a certain area of life. We feel healthy and harmonious when all seven chakras are working together and have a constant, free flowing supply of energy. The aim of all chakra work is to align and balance our chakras with each other. The petals should always be open to a certain degree but you will find that some may be over active, showing a need for the chakra to be closed down a little, or under active, showing a need for the chakra to be opened. A properly functioning chakra turns in a clockwise direction, drawing energy for the outside world into the body, and then releases waist or excess through the back of the body via the stems. Although working with the chakras is very easy the results can be life changing.
Step by step you can learn to open, balance and energies your own chakras. But this takes time and dedication. Chakra work is a process, and once you have achieved a balance you will need to continue caring for and working with your chakras as this balance can be disrupted at any time. As every day is different and brings new experiences and challenges into our lives, so our energy system changes. Listen to your body. You might just be amazed at how much it has to tell you.
Continued on: Pg 3
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