This is how I reach my inner peace; a technique I use to calm myself and help me find a peaceful place to meditate and relax. Once you have done this meditation a few times you can simply use each colour as a trigger. You will be able to reach a quiet space within, very quickly.
Simply calm yourself, breath, and slowly run through the colours, Red to Violet, in you mind, allowing time for your Higher Self to remember and act on each trigger (Diagram 3.). Recording this Visualisation and playing it back is a great way for beginners to really be able to let go and relax. Otherwise just read through it a few times, sit back and think of the colours, in order from Red to Violet...
Diagram 3.
Sit quietly for a while and bring your attention to your breathing…
In and out…… In and out…... In and out…….
After a few moments you deepen your breathing: Breath into your lungs, noting how your ribs expand. Once your lungs are full, breath into your stomach, notice how your stomach expands. Hold this breath for a while then breathe out, pushing in your stomach, then your lungs, and for the last bit of air really push it out, making a “haaaaa” sound. Hold for a count and repeat four more times.
Let your breathing return to normal...
And Relax..... Just Relax...
Now bring to mind the colour Red….. Relax your eyes….. Relax the muscles around your eyes…. Relax your face… your scalp, your neck….. And relax…. See the colour Red…. Now relax your shoulders…. Your arms and elbows…. Relax your wrists and hands. Just relax….. You are surrounded by the colour Red. Remember to breath. Now relax your chest…. Relax your stomach……. Relax….. Relax your upper back…. Your spine, feel the relaxation spreading to your lower back and you hips. You are relaxed…. Relax your thighs… Your knees… Relax your calves and shins…. You are relaxed…. Relax you ankles and you feet. Just relax. You are completely surrounded by the colour Red…. Your entire body is relaxed… And breathe… In… and out….
Now bring to mind the colour Orange….. You are surrounded by the colour Orange…. Feel the colour penetrating your body, spreading in and around you. Now relax your emotions….. What ever it is that you are feeling right now, just let it go. You are calm. You are collected. You are relaxed. You are surrounded by the colour Orange.
Now bring to mind the colour Yellow….. Beautiful, warm, sun Yellow. You feel this colour surrounding you, enveloping you….. And you are relaxed…... Now calm your mind….. Let your thoughts simply pass on by…. Notice how your mind is calming down, thoughts pass by as if on the wings of the wind…… Your mind is settled…. Both sides of your brain are connected to each other. They function as one. They work together….. And you are surrounded by Yellow…. Your mind is free and relaxed…. You are relaxed.
Now bring to mind the colour Green….. Notice how the colour is all around you…. All you see is the colour Green…. And you are relaxed….. Your emotions are relaxed….. Your mind is relaxed….. Now bring your attention to your chest, to your heart Chakra…. Breathe in the colour Green, breathe into your Heart… with each breath you feel how relaxed you are… Feel how warm your Heart is… There is pure Love inside your Heart. Feel how your Heart is relaxing….. With each beat you are more and more relaxed. You let go of the Love, releasing it to the Universe. Your Heart is relaxed, you are relaxed, and the Love spreads from inside of you…. connecting to the Green Light surrounding you… Connecting you to the Universe. And you are relaxed.
Now bring to mind the colour Turquoise. A soft, translucent Turquoise. The colour is all around you….. Relax your throat…. Relax your neck and your jaw…. Know that everything that you need to communicate to the World is right there… You have the ability to speak your Hearts truth…. And you speak from the Heart…. You are relaxed and surrounded by the colour Turquoise…. You are at peace….
Now bring to mind the colour Dark Blue… Like the deep blue ocean on a dark night… You see this colour all around you…. You feel the colour touching your brow….. Your Third Eye… Your mind is free and calm… You are relaxed….. You feel how your brown is connected to the dark blue that surrounds you… The colour penetrates you… Moving in and around you…. You are connected to the Universe… Everything you need to know is out there and this is your connection.… You trust in this connection…. Know that it is always there…. And you are relaxed.
Now bring to mind the colour Violet. Like an Ultra Violet light shining down on you… Penetrating you… Moving in and around you… The colour relaxes you… You feel safe….. And you are Calm…. You see the colour Violet like a ray of light, shining from the sky down onto the top of your head, your Crown. The light spirals down and you can see through it… This is Divine Light, cleansing you as it passes through you… It washes away all blockages…. It revitalizes your cells…. The colour Violet washes over you, through you…. and you are relaxed…..
Allow yourself to now contu=inue with what ever Meditation you have chosen, or simply remain in a state of relaxation for a few minutes, allowing your thoughts to simply pass on by. Relax and enjoy the Inner Peace. Listen to the Whisper of Your Soul.
End of Chapter 1.