Meditation is an extremely simple process and it follows three distinct steps:
1. We start with the conscious (awake), scattered mind - often characterized by lots of thoughts, positive and negative, with very little control or knowledge of how they got there.We are easily distracted when in this state of mind, what I call Go Mode!
2. We then progress, by virtue of our heart's concentration, to deeper, more analytical thinking. It is only when we are completely focused on one task as a time that we are the most efficient and powerful. There is no such thing as "multi-tasking"! This is about as far as one can go with thought.
3. From this very deep thinking we enter into intuitive states, where we have a gut feeling that says "I know this to be true", or extremely vivid goals or intense creativity. Meditation is when thinking stops and intuition takes over. Some people even call these 'Aah-Ha' moments.
As I have mentioned before, there are many different forms of meditation. Choose which ever suits you and integrate these visualizations into your routine. I am not here to teach a specific "type" of meditation, I am simply sharing with you some tools and advice that can literally change your life!
Tips and recommendations for Meditation
Find a Special Place
It doesn't matter where you choose to meditate. What is important is that you are undisturbed, it is quiet and safe, and you are comfortable.
Be Physically Prepared
Your Life Journey is lived inside and through your physical body. If you can't take a shower before hand, wash you hands and face. Wear comfortable clothing and meditate bare-foot (or with socks if it is cold), your feet will love you for this.
Sit Relaxed, Sit Straight
Sit as comfortably as you can. Be sure your spine is straight and if you are sitting on a chair make sure your ankles and wrists are not crossed.
Slowly but Sure
As in physical exercise one should start mediation nice and slow. It takes time for a muscle to build and gain strength. If you over work the muscle it becomes stiff and painful. It is similar with meditation. Start off with 5 minutes a day. If you over do it you may find your head starts to ache, so take it easy. Do not concern yourself with the outcome. Everything comes with time. Just keep at it and you will start seeing the results, and in ways you may never have dreamed of.
The Right Time
Practice at the same time each day. Make a commitment to yourself. You feed your body every day, so why not your Soul?
I personally find it best to meditate early morning and/or before bed. I do not recommend meditating after a big meal - We all know the effects of "Puppy Dog Syndrome".
The Power of Music
Soft, peaceful music can really take your Soul to the most beautiful places. Running water or wind in trees is also a magical sound, and if you do ever have the chance to meditate in nature, grab the opportunity.
You are the most important part of the entire process. You are the Greatest Miracle in the World!
A Journal
A mediation journal is a wonderful way to keep track. We don't always have instant results and there is no quick fix. And remember, answers don't always come to us during meditation, it is once we have created something and have enough faith to let go that is comes to us. So write it down!
Meditation for Chapter 3 on Page 5: "The Meaning of Life"
Creation is our Birth Right! So Create a Life of Light!
In Love and Light, Aye...
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